Missionary Discipleship

Anthony’s Garden

Anthony’s garden was established to honor a parishioners’ family whose son went to the Lord minutes after his birth. Each week the plentiful batches of produce are taken to Help My Neighbor food pantry where we are able to give back to the people within our community.  If you would like to join us in the garden please feel free to contact AnthonysGarden@StJoanOfArcPowell.org. Parishioners of all ages are welcome!

Bereavement Ministry

Angelita Salyers

Losing a loved one is devastating.  The St. Joan of Arc Bereavement Ministry provides immediate support following the death of a family member, and ongoing support for those who are struggling with their loss.  Through personal contact and with the affirmation of God’s continued love and presence, we will help the grieving move through the grieving process and adapt to their new life.

This ministry prepares and serves lunch for families after a funeral Mass.  This allows the family and friends time together to grieve and support one another.

Volunteers for a funeral meal can assist by providing food items, helping set up, preparing the meal, serving the meal, and/or cleaning up after the meal.

English Language Learners

Tess Mawhinney and Bev Bucher
614.761.0905 ext. 340 Email


St. Joan of Arc literacy program offers 1-on-1 and small classes (up to 4 students at similar levels) for English language learning. Students can meet with a teacher at the church or virtually via facetime or Zoom for one hour to one and a half hours per week. Teachers are trained volunteers and are able to meet Mondays through Thursdays, 9 am-5 pm; Fridays, 9 am-11:30 am. New students will be scheduled for an English skills and goals assessment so they can be placed appropriately. We are also able to offer a virtual accent reduction class to a small number of our students.

Please email us at ell@stjoanofarcpowell.org with your name, cell phone number and email address or call 614-761-0905 ext. 340 with your information and Tess Mawhinney will get back to you as soon as possible to answer your questions and schedule your initial skills assessment.

Tutors and Conversation Buddies

We are always in need of tutors and conversation buddies who are at least 18 years old, and we are always eager to serve new students. We are also looking for a speech therapist to help students with pronunciation. We offer conversation buddies for our students to practice their speaking skills. The only language you need to know to teach is English.

Quilter’s Group

Cindy Dewulf

The St. Joan of Arc Quilters is a social and service group open to all parishioners. Our mission is to create quilts for families in need.  Our quilts are donated to both Birthright and the YWCA Family Center. We sew 50-100 quilts yearly.

Join us! We meet on the first and third Thursday of each month at 2:30 p.m. in Rooms 9 and 10.  Share your love of sewing and/or learn new skills while creating quick, fun quilts for charitable organizations. We welcome everyone even if you’ve never sewn or quilted before. We’ll be glad to show you how.

Respect Life Ministry

The Respect Life Ministry of St. Joan of Arc seeks to help Central Ohio Catholics understand, value, and live out the Catholic vision for respecting life. Respect Life Ministry carries out its work in the following areas:

  • Education
  • Prayer
  • Legislative Advocacy
  • Activism

Learn more about the ministry!  If you feel called to join our ministry, please contact us.

300 Crosses

in the island between the south entrances make up St. Joan of
Arc’s annual display to bring awareness to the number of babies
killed by abortion in Central Ohio. The crosses memorialize the
approximately three hundred pre-born children aborted each and
every month in Franklin and surrounding counties. (Actual count
by most recent annual statistics is 3933.) This is a stark reminder
of the magnitude of this modern-day holocaust.

Pregnancy Resource Centers in Central Ohio

PDHC. Call/text PDHC 24/7 line at 614.444.4411 or the option line 24/7 at 1.800.712.HELP (1.800.712.4357).

Pregnancy Resources of Delaware County. We exist to provide life affirming support and services that strengthen families. We bring the message of life and hope to ladies and families experiencing unplanned pregnancies, and parenting support and education to all parents.
652 W. Central Ave., Delaware, OH

Birthright. For more than 50 years, Birthright has been helping women with unplanned pregnancies.
4766 N. High St., Columbus

Women’s Care Center. A non-profit pregnancy resource center that serves moms and babies through free pregnancy testing, limited diagnostic ultrasounds, and educational parent classes.

Abortion Healing Resources in Central Ohio

Bethesda Healing Ministry is a Catholic Christian Ministry of hospitality and healing. Through a community of love and acceptance, all men and women suffering the effects of an abortion are invited and supported.
614.309.0157 or 614.309.2651 (24/7×365)

Rachel’s Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing.
877 HOPE 4 ME (877.467.3463)

Spirit of Peace Clinical Counseling

In an effort to expand our offerings to help our parishioners, especially during the time of bereavement, we searched for a counseling group to assist us. We talked with other parishes and Spirit of Peace was a common recommendation. We are pleased to formally welcome the counselors to St. Joan of Arc, and we are grateful for the good they have already accomplished here.

At Spirit of Peace Clinical Counseling (SOPCC), we are dedicated to helping people restore hope, peace, and balance in their lives. As licensed professional Christian clinicians we strive to provide compassionate, confidential, and individualized counseling services to enhance and integrate the emotional, physical, social, and spiritual well-being of the individual, couple, or family. We help our clients regain a sense of balance in their daily living and learn to lead more meaningful lives.

To meet with Michele or Heidi call the SOPCC phone line at 614.442.7650.

Michele Melaragno, LPCC-S

Michele is a Supervising Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor. She sees adolescents (ages 14+) and adults in individual, family, and marital counseling. Michele’s areas of focus include, but are not limited to: adolescent issues, adult aging, anger management, anxiety, career issues, depression, grief/loss, life transitions, marital and pre-marital, parenting, and trauma.

Heidi Walter, LISW-S

Heidi is a Licensed Independent Social Worker, will be providing private Christian counseling services at St. Joan of Arc. The counseling is open to all parishioners and community members. Heidi treats adolescents, teens, and adults, and brings several areas of expertise such as depression, anxiety, addiction, family concerns, and more. A variety of insurance plans and self-pay fees are accepted. Heidi will have office hours on Mondays and availability at other locations and days as well. You can find her bio with a list of accepted insurance plans and more information under the Meet Our Team tab at www.spiritofpeaceclinicalcounseling.com. To schedule an appointment, please call 614.442.7650 ext. 0 or email Heidi at heidi@sopcc.org.

St. Teresa’s Outreach

St. Teresa’s Outreach is a ministry at St. Joan of Arc, Powell, dedicated to helping those in need regardless of faith background, or life circumstances.
Do You Need Help? Please Contact Us

The programs and services provided by St. Teresa’s Outreach are the result of the time, talent and treasure of our parishioners and parish groups.

To find out more about how you can volunteer your time and talent, contact Angelita Salyers, 614.761.0905, ext. 315

To financially support our efforts, make an online donation through our secure giving page or place a check in the weekly offertory collection or mail to our office (10700 Liberty Road South, Powell, OH 43065). Please make checks payable to St Joan of Arc with “STO” on the memo line.

How We Serve

Parish Social Ministry:  Provide support and resources for those that need assistance, food, social service, and spiritual support, if desired. This is on an as-needed basis. Each situation is unique and needs may or not be met depending on circumstances and resources available. If you need help please contact us at 614-761-0905 ext. 5 or StTeresasOutreach@stjoanofarcpowell.org.

Weekly food collections in the Narthex:  Through the generous donations of our parishioners and partners we collect weekly donations of canned goods, dry goods, toiletries, diapers, and cleaning supplies.

Donations are used for our emergency walk-in assistance and the remaining is split between Help My Neighbor food pantrySt. Lawrence Haven, and JOIN.  Food can be left in the food box in the narthex anytime the building is open or dropped off at the bell tower between 10:00 – 10:30 on Monday mornings. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

Weekly Bread Runs:  Fresh bread is picked up at local grocery stores and bakeshops throughout the week.  Bread is delivered to a variety of pantries we support.  We need more volunteers to help get bread from the stores/bakeshops to local pantries. 

Monthly Sandwich Making:  Prepare sandwiches at your home and bring them to the parish.  A volunteer takes the prepared sandwiches down to the Cathedral, St. Lawrence Haven, and Holy Family Soup Kitchen for distribution to the homeless. Get the step-by-step instructions.

Annual Activities: 

  • Thanksgiving Food Box collection: Monetary donations are accepted for a delicious Thanksgiving meal through the Homes for Families Foundation.
  • Giving Tree is a parish-wide collection of gifts for youth, adults, and seniors. This is a joint mission with People in Need (PIN), Christ Child, St. Vincent Family Services, and Help My Neighbor.
  • Mother’s Day Box collection: We partner with the Women’s Club and Woman’s Auxiliary and collect gift cards, toiletries, pampering products,  Kleenex, etc. to be distributed to mothers in need at St. Francis Center in MacArthur.
  • Easter Food Box collection: Monetary donations are accepted for a delicious Easter meal through the Homes for Families Foundation

New Activities:

  • Working with Catholic Social Services to provide an umbrella of systemic support.
  • Special food collection during the Knights of Columbus Fish Fry. The food collected was delivered to St. Francis Center in MacArthur.
  • Partnered with our Youth Faith Formation team and collected school supplies for St. Vincent Family Services, Help My Neighbor, JOIN, and St. Francis Center in MacArthu

Surviving Divorce

Virtual Surviving Divorce Class  Begins Monday, January 11, 2021  ~ 7:00-8:30 P.M.

[30 minute video followed by facilitated
group sharing and reflection on Google Meet]
12 week program cost is $19.95 through Ascension Press

The Golden Classics

The Golden Classics is a ministry for anyone 50 or older to begin meeting weekly for games, activities, and camaraderie. We host a monthly book club, and meet weekly at St. Joan of Arc in rooms 1 and 2.